Board of directors

K M Mozibul Hoque
Chairman - Shah Group of Companies
Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Yemen
Former Honorary Consul of the Republic of Tajikistan
Former Regional Director of UN-FER (1986)
Former National President of JCI Bangladesh (1992)
Former World Vice President of JCI International (1993)
Former Dean/President of Consul Corps Bangladesh (2018-2020)
Founder and Treasure of University of Asia Pacific
Founder of Noman Degree College
Commercially Important Person (CIP) (1989-2000)
Former Vice Chairman of Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association

Morsedul Alam Chaklader
Managing Director Maxwell Group
Director, Desh Medical College and Hospital
Director, BMSL Asset Management Ltd.
Director, Diplomatic Equities Ltd.
Member, Gulshan Society
Donor Member, MM Chaklader Mohila College
Donor Member, Sher-e-Bangla School and College
Member, KNC School
Lifetime member, Gulshan Central Mosque
Alumni, Taylor’s University and College

Kazi Shah Muzakker Ahmadul Hoque
Director of Shah Group of Companies
Director of AIM Vision
Director of Bangladesh Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industries
(BMCCI) (2022-2023)
Local Director of JCI Dhaka East (2022)
Founder Director of Proposed Bangladesh Africa Chamber of Commerce &
Member of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industries (DCCI)
Member of Leather Goods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporter Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB)
Alumni - International School Dhaka (ISD)
Alumni - University of Canberra (UC)
Australian National University (ANU) - Masters ongoing

Md. Atiqur Rahman Masud
Director, Brother CNG Filling Station Ltd.
Director, Roots Food and Beverages Ltd.
Director, Tashfin CNG and Filling Station
Alumni, National University, Bangladesh

Engr. Anwar Abedin Manik
Director, Bismillah Motors
Director, Sorob IT Ltd.
Member, Bangladesh Association of Reconditioned Vehicles Importers and
Dealers (BARVIDA)
Former System Engineer, Grameenphone Ltd.
Lifetime Member, Niketan Housing Society
Alumni, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Alumni, Chittagong College